Delivery Information
Delivery date:
Five (5) working days from order date – customer contacted in advance by phone or email to arrange a delivery time.
Delivery Fee:
Mattress price generally includes one shipping fee. *Please check below for special circumstances district delivery.
Special circumstances district:
- Discovery Bay ─ Mattress subject to HK$250
- Tung Chung, Ma Wan ─ Mattress subject to HK$150
- Outlying Islands ─ Lantau Island, Lamma Island, Cheung Chau, Peng Chau etc. Parcel delivered to ferry terminal and customer arrange pickup transportation.
- Restricted Area ─ Where roads restrict the passage of trucks weighing 5.5 tonnes and above, customers to arrange drop-off and pickup logistics.
Special Circumstance:
- Customers must ascertain bed dimensions are suitable for lift access. Please be aware of height / width allowance of lift doors and interior dimensions. Additional cost and transportation fees will incur if an exchange is required.
- Village House and Old Tenements: Delivery access via staircase or lift service - customer must contact Centrowell for a quote prior to purchase.
- In case of unexpected incident, (No. 8 typhoon signal / black rainstorm warning etc) delivery service will be re-scheduled.
- If customer needs to reschedule delivery, please call 852-3650 0374 or at least two (2) working days before email expected delivery date. Failure to notify will incur an additional HK$200 shipment fee.
Delivery date:
Express delivery - five (5) working days from placement of order.
Courier Service Fee:
Our company provide customers with free express service in Hong Kong. Customers can also pick up their purchase at our stores convenient to them.
Amendment to terms and conditions
We reserve the right (without notice) to modify the web site's warranty terms and conditions. Customers must review the terms and conditions prior to purchase. Upon purchase, the customer is deemed to have accepted all terms and conditions.
Applicable law
All warranty terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the Hong Kong S.A.R. Customers and Centrowell agree to implement the said laws of the Hong Kong S.A.R.
* Any dispute or difference arising out of or in connection with this terms and conditions shall be referred to and finally determined by arbitration administrated by the Hong Kong Arbitration Society and in accordance with the HKAS Online Arbitration Rules for the time being in force.